Monday, February 27, 2017

Adoption Part 3

Now that you know a little a about the basic framework of adoption in the part of the blog I am going to go through the adoption procedure in Illinois.

There are a number of prerequisites that must be met before filing a petition for adoption.

  • Illinois must have jurisdiction over the child being adopted.
  • The biological parents of the child being adopted has to surrender their parental right or the court must revoke their parental rights. 
Steps of adoption
  1. Select the type of adoption
  2. Choose an adoption professional
  3. Filing petition for adoption
  4. Spending time with the child
  5. Finalizing the adoption


  1. I never knew that this much went behind an adoption. It is actually quite surprising to learn about this, I always expected it to be a little more easier. However, I can see why they go through all these precautionary steps for the child's safety.

  2. Adoption hits kind of close to my home. My mother was adopted when she was 5 years old with her sister and she remembers it like it was yesterday. She has told me that it felt that forever before she was able to go home with her new mom and dad. She was fortunate enough though to be adopted with her biological sister. Originally my grandparents were only wanting to adopt one child but they could bare to separate them. So they adopted them both.
    I think it's a good thing though that it is such a process in order to have an adoption. I would rather it be a process and knowing that the child is going to a safe home then have it be done speedy quick and not knowing exactly where they will be living. I know my mom was adopted in Iowa so I'm not too sure how different the rules are in the other state.
    This was informative about the basic framework of adopting a child in Illinois. What are the different types of adoptions here in Illinois? Is it just opened and closed adoptions or are there more? Thanks for sharing!

  3. This was very informative about the steps to take for an adoption to occur. I dont know that mush about this topic so it was interesting to read. I can why adoption takes so long because of these different actions. I believe that these steps hold people back because of how long it takes but these steps are in place for a childs protection. Are there different steps for each state or are they all the same? that would be an interesting topic for a next blog.
    Thank you for sharing this topic with us, it was a great read.
    Alison Baker

  4. It's great that you talked about the process and the steps for adoption in Illinois. Because a lot of times people just assume that every state is the same when it's really not. However, I think that if you ever did this again that you should go into more detail about what each step is and why you have to do them. Along with the requirements.

  5. I feel that it was an good idea to talk about the process of adoption in Illinois. Because for many states, the process it may be the same or different. If you ever do this blog again, it would be interesting if you talk about the differences between Illinois and other states.
    Overall your blog was well written and informative.

  6. I think it is interesting that there is such a long and hard process to adopt a child. I believe that it should be really strict when it comes adopting a child but sometimes the process takes way too long and I think it should be shortened for the family. Keeping them away for so long but keeping them in contact is good but they should be together sooner.
