Monday, February 27, 2017

Adoption Part 2

Now that I have introduced you to the topic of adoption and I have shared my experiences with you; I would like to give you a some information on the basis and the procedure for adoption in the State of Illinois.

There are many children across the state on need of a mother, father, brother or sister. Children in need can be adopted through a private adoption with DCFS,  through an adoption agency or at the request of a family member. Each method of adoption has its own process and requirements. The adopting parents can be single or married and has to be of legal age.The adopting parents must go through a criminal background check, a credit check and parenting classes.

Related adoption - The child is adopted by a family member that is related to the child or either of the parents.

Agency adoption - An agency is given the authority to place a child with the adopting parents.

Private Adoption - A private adoption occurs when neither of the adopting parents are related to the child and an agency is not used for the adoption.

The legislation that governs and regulates adoption in the State of Illinois is called the Illinois Adoption Act. The law of the Illinois Adoption Act applies when the adoption of a child or children is to be finalized in Illinois (Braselton, 2017).


  1. You may take care you the child for weeks or months until the adoption process is underway.
  2. It cost more to adopt a girl than a boy.
  3. African American males are the hardest children to place into homes.
  4. In an open adoption the adopting family and the child maintains connections with the biological parents; on the converse in a closed adoption, there is not contact between parties.
  5. The average cost of a private and agency adoption ranges from $20,000 to $40,000 dollars.


  1. First, I want to say that I think its great that you have chosen adoption as your as your topic for your post. This way people are able to realize and remember that their are kids out their who need homes.

    I for one plan on adopting when I get older. And even though I know that it may be tough I plan on adopting kids who are age 3 and up. I know some people don't recommend this; however, to me every child deserves a chance and a home.

    However, I feel like you should add more information about the adoption process than what you have down. Mainly because I know for a fact that there is more to the process than just this. You should also mention that the process can be long. Some have to wait months to years before they can get the child that they want. But other than this I think it pretty good.

  2. I've never given adoption much thought, but I really enjoyed your post! I did have a question though that I thought would have been good to know. You mentioned that you must adopt at the legal age. What is the legal age required in order for one to adopt?
    I also really enjoyed that you included some interesting facts at the end of your post. Although, I will admit that none of them exactly surprised me especially the one about girls being the most expensive to adopt. I don't know why that is because having a boy is just as amazing as having a girl. They are no different besides the fact of their sex. So why should a girl be more expensive to adopt? I'm just thinking out loud here.

  3. I think it’s sad the average cost of a private and agency adoption ranges from $20,000 to $40,000 dollars because I don’t feel it should cost so much money to give a disadvantaged child a home. It’s also sad that African American males are the hardest children to place into homes because I feel they are the kids who probably need a home the most with the present state of the black community. Additionally, I didn’t know it cost more to adopt a girl than a boy. I wonder why that is because I would think it’s the other way around. If I found out I couldn’t have kids, I would definitely be okay with adoption because I love the thought of giving a child a loving home. Overall, a very good post with lots of fascinating and thought-provoking information.

  4. Hello, I want to say that I really appreciate your post because with your topic, you have went through it and seen what it is like. I like your honesty in your post with all the things you have said. One of my best friends was adopted but all those years I never really gave it the thought of figuring out all the process and steps behind it.
    A lot of the facts you had on your page shocked me. I did not know there was a different cost for a boy or a girl and really how expensive it can get to adopt a child that needs a home. I wish adoption rates would go down but I guess that is something we can't really control. Once again I thank you for sharing your story and your post!
